Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We have childhood and adulthood all backwards.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We have childhood and adulthood all backwards. start to imagine how it would be if our children within were the true leaders and we a...

We have childhood and adulthood all backwards. start to imagine how it would be if our children within were the true leaders and we all followed their example.

Firstly, the child within has no job or financial responsibilities. They are free to dedicate 100% of their time to leading us forward.

The Child Within wouldn’t need to lead through fear, intimidation, well placed press campaigns, or even charisma, but through the simple fact of them being helpless. Anything that might put our health at risk, and therefore our ability to adequately take care of our helpless leaders, would have to be cut out of our lifestyle.

We would probably exercise more, eat less crappy, junk foods, and consume less alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

We all know our child within like to sleep a lot, and through this example, maybe we’d learn how important rest is. Maybe we would stop killing ourselves for money, stop exhausting our energy in pursuit of material happiness, and simply come home and sleep.

And yes, there are nights when our child within doesn’t sleep, when they keep their parents up all night, exhausting them, but it would be okay because you wouldn’t have to go to work the next day, and no sick note would be needed.

All you would have to do is call your boss and say that you were up all night taking care of one of the leaders of the world, so you won’t be in today as they are finally asleep and you are about to join them.

We wouldn’t have to worry about our child within spending the country’s money as they don’t need fancy clothes, expensive cars, or luxury holidays. They just need simple clothing, love, care and attention.

Maybe this would make us take a long hard look at the things we actually need. If our helpless leaders can survive without so much, then why can’t we? Especially as we’re actually aware and able to take care of ourselves. Why would we need more than our leaders?

World leader meetings would not be affairs where country politics, the economy, laws or spreading of the countries funds are discussed, but they would be times of selfless, inspired gift-giving, food, smiles, and quality time spend with family, friends and loved ones.

We all know that nothing brings people together in a loving way more than a newborn child.

Our Child within would not have to give long speeches to try and inspire their people, as they are naturals at inspiring wonder and appreciation for life. To watch a child learn to move, smile and giggle for the first time makes you stop and contemplate how wonderful the simple things in life are.

Everything to our child hidden within is the most amazing thing in the world.

They don’t need computer games, blockbuster movies, or to be entertained with technology. They find pleasure and wonder and happiness in simple games of peek-a-boo, or simply lifted into the air and bounced on a knee.

They are amazed by the simple fact that we have hands and feet that we can move and control just by thinking. Watching them learn to grab, sit, crawl and walk, is an awe-inspiring time, and maybe we’d start to marvel everyday at our own ability to walk, talk, sing, dance, and make each other smile and laugh just by pulling a silly face.

Maybe we’d wake up every morning and take a minute to stare at our hands and feet, wiggle our toes and play with our fingers, fascinated by our own miraculous selves.

Pollution, war and fighting would all have to become things of the past, as they would most definitely pose too much of a threat to our leaders upbringing.

Plus, leaders ultimately decide on going to war but I think babies would be too busy sleeping to even start any.

Maybe we’d have more story-time, build more playgrounds instead of factories, plant more trees instead of paving roads, and take better care of animals so our leaders can grow up to see and learn.

To cherish women would become our life. To look after our sisters and daughters, mothers and aunties, the past, present and future birth givers of our leaders.

Babies would also be truly neutral.

They have no prejudice and no ego. They are completely untouched by the trappings of greed, jealousy, hate, or other negative emotions we allow to drive us in adulthood.

Our Child within hold no grudges and have not experienced betrayal or lies yet. They represent what every person and country needs at some point — a complete, clean slate and fresh start.

Our Child Within also have true power, which they don’t obtain through the threat of military force, scandal or money, but through simply existing.

Only our child within can put a woman through nine months of pain and aches, and hours of labor, only to instantly and completely fill her with joy the moment they’re born.

Only a child within can make the toughest men you’ve ever met turn into soft-talking, silly-face-making, happy clowns, who’ll play peek-a-boo on a semi-crowded train full of strangers without caring what anyone around thinks of them.

And when our child within grow into adults who can finally feed, dress and take care of themselves, there would be no farewell ceremony, no speeches given, no need to ask them to step gracefully down.

No. Instead they would just be given a ball, or a bike, or meet up with other former leaders, and with a smile told, “Thank you, you can go outside and play now.”#10stages#childwithin.

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